Our vision at Seeds Restaurant is to create a culinary destination where exceptional food, warm hospitality, and a vibrant atmosphere come together to create memorable dining experiences. We strive to be a place where every guest feels welcomed, valued, and inspired by our passion for gastronomy. We envision Seeds Restaurant as a hub of creativity, innovation, and community, where our team of talented chefs and dedicated staff work together to craft dishes that tantalize the taste buds and ignite the senses. Our commitment to sourcing the finest ingredients, embracing diverse culinary influences, and pushing the boundaries of traditional dining sets us apart as a beacon of culinary excellence. At the heart of our vision is a dedication to providing not just a meal, but an unforgettable journey for our guests. Whether it's with friends, a romantic dinner for two, or a celebratory event with loved ones, we aim to exceed expectations and leave a lasting impression with every dining experience.
"Fine-dine-logic" refers to the thought process and principles behind the concept of fine dining. It encompasses the meticulous attention to detail, exceptional service, and the pursuit of culinary excellence. Fine-dine-logic emphasizes the use of premium ingredients, innovative cooking techniques, and artistic presentation to create a memorable and immersive dining experience. It also involves a focus on creating a harmonious balance of flavors, textures, and aromas in each dish, as well as providing a sophisticated and elegant ambiance for patrons. Overall, fine dine logic is about elevating the act of dining to a form of art, where every aspect is carefully crafted to delight and impress the senses of the guests.
Dimos Samourakis
Executive Chef & Co-Owner

Chef Dimos Samourakis was born in Thessaloniki and grew up in Athens. His relationship with professional cooking starts from his teenage years. Over the years he has worked in various kitchens in Greece and abroad.  Having a long professional path and experience at distinguished restaurants, the dishes he offers in "Seeds" menus encompass his knowledge, aesthetics and love for creative cooking.

FNL ☆☆ Best Restaurant Awards 2024
FNL ☆ Best Restaurant Awards 2023

ΧΡΥΣΟΙ ΣΚΟΥΦΟΙ toques d'or 2024
‘’ONE TO WATCH’’ Award, 2023

Opening Hours
Tuesday - Saturday
19:00 - 23:00
Oumplianis 14, Diocharous 27
16121 Athens
© 2024. Seeds Restaurant, by Berrybyte
Oumplianis 14, Diocharous 27
16121 Athens